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Bulguksa: The Temple of Buddha Land
Tabotap (National Treasures No. 20)
Seokgatap (National Treasures No. 21)
Official Information on "Sokkuram Grotto"
Basic Information about Sokkuram Grotto
Daereungwon Nodong and Noseo-dong Tumuli park
Anapji Pond
Hwangryongsa Temple
Bunhwangsa Temple
Yangdong Folk Village


Bulguksa: The Temple of Buddha Land

The construction of this temple at the southwestern foot of Tohamsan Mountain was begun by Prime Minister King Tae-song in 751. The 10th year of the reign of King Kyongduk and was completed in 774, the 10th year of King Hyegong.
At the time of its completion, it was one of the largest Buddhist temples with more than 80 wooden buildings. It served as a center of Silla Buddhism and of prayer for the protection of the country from foreign invasion. The entire temple was reduced to ashes by Japanese invaders in 1593.
Though the main hall and a few other principal buildings were rebuilt, it was not until 1969-1973 that it was completely restored after thorough research investigations and excavations of the ancient temple site. This historic undertaking was made in order to preserve for posterite one of Korea's greatest cultural legacies.
This temple was registered as an international cultural property by UNESCO on December 9, 1995.
Important cultural properties from the Unified Silla period located on the premises include: the two stone pagodas, Tabotap and Sokkatap, Chong-un-gyo and Paekun-gyo Bridges to Chahamun Gate, and Yonhwagyo and Chilbogyo leading to Kungnakchon Hall, all representative of Silla stone work.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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