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[안락사 찬성에 관한 논리] 안락사(euthanasia)에 대해 찬성하는 내용의 에세이 (영문)

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People Should Not be Forced to Stay Alive

Ⅰ. Introduction
A.Reader’s attention
B.Intention of my research paper
C.Importance of euthanasia
THESIS STATEMENT: People should not be forced to stay alive, so euthanasia should be legalized.

Ⅱ. Background
A.The classification of euthanasia
1.Four categories
2.The explanation of active, passive, voluntary, and involuntary
B.Legalized euthanasia
1.Laws in the United States
2.Laws in other countries

A.The right to choose decent death
1.The importance of decent death
2.The best interest of a patient with a terminal illness
3.A right that is central to all democratic societies today
B.The opportunity to rescue dying people through organ transplant
1.Precondition for organ transplant
2.People dying because of shortage of internal organs
3.An opportunity to choose a decent death
C.Man’s inhumanity to people waiting for death
1.No hope – a future filled with suffering
2.The limits of palliative care
3.To be forced into pain-prolonging treatments
D.Pain left to the family members
1.Mental and physical pain
2.A heavy financial burden
3.The hope of patients’ families
E.Careful consideration to the value of death
1.Comparison with unexpected death
2.To have the choice in deciding our fate
3.An opportunity to affect the dying process

Ⅳ. Refutation
A.A kind of homicide
1.Prolongation of pain
2.The proper moment
3.The right to control their fates
B.A unethical act
1.A personal affair – a voluntary act
2.The best treatment for the patient
3.The laws of nature
4.A patient - driven action
C.To put a lower value on human life
1.The value of life
2.An opportunity to affect the dying process

Ⅴ. Conclusion
B.A general summing-up
1.The right to choose a decent death
2.To force pains of the patient and family members
C.Emphasis and insistence
1.Euthanasia should be legalized
2.A great opportunity
3.The right to a decent death


If euthanasia is legalized, the opportunity to rescue dying people will be given. Absolute clarity about legal death is a prerequisite for organ transplants. If someone’s brain is badly wounded and not functioning, but the other organs are still alive artificially, is it justifiable to wait until other organs die which are capable of reviving other patients? Cellular death happens when organs and tissues remain alive a bit longer after the brain is not functioning any more. It makes possible the transplantation of other living organs (Rudikoff 3).

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  • A좋아요
  • B괜찮아요
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[안락사 찬성에 관한 논리] 안락사(euthanasia)에 대해 찬성하는 내용의 에세이 (영문)
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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