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[경영학] Resource-based view, 자원경영론, 핵심경영

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영국 대학원 과정에서 쓴 것입니다..
참고 하세요~~


Traditional Strategy view
Resource-based view
Core competence



Strategy is “the long-term direction of an organisation.”(Johnson, 2002) In the other words, it is the crucial law to secure competitive advantage through dynamic management activities and to decide an organisation’s business scope on building a long-term purpose and goal in order to cope with internal and external environmental changing. An organisation’s competitive advantage means that it is superior to other competitors in profitability, marketability, and market share in an industry. However, what the source of the competitive advantage is has emphasised different elements in each time period. One of them is the traditional strategy view and the other one is the resource-based view (RBV).

참고 자료

Barney, J. B (1991) “ Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage”, Journal of Management 17, pp99-120
Collis D and Montgomery C (1995) “Competing on resources”: strategy in the 1990’s, Harvard Business Review, July-August, 19-128
Chang S. J (1997) “A survey on the Resource-based and the Evolutionary Approaches to Strategic Theories of the Firm”, Journal of Management
Johnson G. and Scholes K (2002) “Exploring Corporate Strategy”. Pearson Education Limited: Essex
Kim E. W. (2002) “Competition Strategy cased on the Management Resource Theory.” Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Vol 26, P 65-82: Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Wirtschaftswissenschaften e. V
Kim G. D (2001) EMS strategy of developed organisations (Sun jin gi up ui EMS jul yak). Samsung business research centre (In Korean)
Paterlaf M.A (1993) The cornerstones of Competitive advantage: a resource-based view, Strategic Management Journal, 14, 179-192
Prahalad, C.K and Hamel, G. (1990) “The core competence of the corporation”, Harvard Business Review
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