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[경영전략] American Airline의 전략사례분석(매트릭스분석)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


아메리칸 에어라인- 미국 항공사의 경쟁전략사례를 매트릭스표를 통해 분석한 것입니다.
영어원문으로 된것이니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
경영전략 강의에 제출한 과제입니다^^


1. About the AMR Corporation
2. Mission statement of American Airline
3. External Factor Evaluation Matrix of American Airline
4. Competitive Profile Matrix of American Airline
5. Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix of American Airline
6. TOWS Matrix of American Airline
7. SPACE Matrix of American Airline
8. The ways of how to compete


1. About the AMR Corporation

1) Overview
In 1982, stockholders voted to approve a plan of reorganization under which a new holding company, AMR Corp., was formed and became the parent company of American Airlines? . The name "AMR" was taken from the airline's three-letter New York Stock Exchange symbol.
AMR, the parent company for American Airlines, has a number of businesses within its corporate structure including:

2) American Airlines
American’s Passenger division is the largest scheduled passenger airline in the world. American provides scheduled jet service to destinations throughout North America, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe and the Pacific, serving 172 cities with a fleet of 840 aircraft. In 2001, American carried more than 80 million passengers.
On an average day, American Airlines will...
·Receive more than 329,000 reservation calls.
·Handle more than 293,000 pieces of luggage.
·Fly more than 2,600 flights.

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[경영전략] American Airline의 전략사례분석(매트릭스분석)
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