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[영문 저널] Something about Korea/plastic surgery

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ 한컴오피스
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제가 직접쓴 저널입니다..외국인 교수님 첨삭 받았구여..한국에 관한 것 중 성형수술에 관해 썻습니다.
아마 재미있을꺼에요~많이 받아가세요~^^




Korean tend to judge a person by appearance. Beauty is essential for women to get a good job and have a nice boyfriend or husband. Those things make women feel that women have to do something for our faces and bodies.
What`s the matter with our faces? Plastic surgery became a trend in Korea these days. 60 percent of women may have plastic surgery, it`s an incredible number. 3 out of 5 my friends had plastic surgery, though. Even I sometimes would like to do it. Most people do that and I feel if don`t, I would behind them. What make us do that!
Needless to say guys like good looking women. They say, "Appearance shouldn`t matter". I don`t think it`s true, because If there are two choices, one is that a woman is gorgeous but she is not a really kind and not warm-hearted person, but the other one is that a woman is really nice and smart but unfortunately she is badly ugly. For sure, guys prefer the former one to the latter.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영문 저널] Something about Korea/plastic surgery
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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