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[영문학] How Thomas Hardy Made His Individual Experience In His Poetry

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13페이지/ MS 워드
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외국에 교환학생 갔을 때 제출했던 final essay입니다. 13페이지 전체가 다 영어로 쓰여져 있습니다.





Thomas Hardy is a 20th century poet, whose work conveyed for and against the idea of Romanticism. Most Romanticists ignore the idea of agony, trouble and complications in the real world and materialize the world which is driven by imagination while Hardy does not hesitate to confront the idea of suffering in real unbelieving the imagination. It can be said that the Romanticists are hypocrites in the way that they attempted to display their work and themselves as superior to feelings in real life though they also suffered from their reality. However, Hardy was different in the way he distrusted the idea of materialism and imagination; In comparison to the Romanticists, he was too honest to deceive both himself and the world. Although his thoughts appear to be greatly influenced by the group of scientists who were sceptic against the deteriorating world of Christianity, his thoughts are centrally driven by or from his experimental observations in real life. He believed that the pain in real life cannot be justified; as the pain is carried over from past and is to continue to exist in the future, and therefore he was against any theory which carries message promising happiness in future life. It is this belief which drove him to rely on the experiences in real life.
Hardy accepted the opinion of minority; this illustrates that he was not ruled by the general opinion of the dominant group in society and that his work is originated from his experiences which is based on honesty. As David Perkins said, 밐ardy, as if in compensation, alternated the writing of his tragic novels with others of a lighter and happier kind, which unluckily were less successful. A poem must also be consistent, but since it is short whatever point of view I embodies can be challenged by the next poems, and a volume of lyrics, offering, Hardy explains, 뱔nadjusted impressions,

참고 자료

Fraser, Hillary. Beauty and Belief: Aethetics and Religion in Victorian Literature. London: Cambridge UP, 1986.

Hardy, F. E. The Life of Thomas Hardy. London: Macmillan, 1962.

Perkins, David. A History of Modern Poetry: From the 1890s to the High Modernist Mode. London. Harvard UP, 1976.

Pinion, F. B. A Commentary on the Poems of Thomas Hardy. London: Macmillan, 1976.

Pinto, Vivian De Sola. Crisis in English Poetry. London: Hutchinson UP, 1961.

Williams, Merryn. A Preface to Hardy. London: Longman, 1993.


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[영문학] How Thomas Hardy Made His Individual Experience In His Poetry
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