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[의학, 건강, 영문] Is Euthanasia Needed in the Human Life?

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7페이지/ MS 워드
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안락사에 대한 페이퍼




There are countless patients in this world and sometimes people cannot easily recognize that a patient has a will to live or if they are just breathing by medical devices. There are also stubborn and extreme pains that make many patients want to give up and free themselves from the pain. In addition, families of those patients are suffering as well by seeing their loved ones suffer and also by the oppression of medical treatment expenses. Nobody could say easily unless they are in those positions. It is a really tragic situation. These days, people are concerned about euthanasia by these reasons. People need know what euthanasia means exactly, who to take these treatments, and what is the trouble about euthanasia.

참고 자료

Sheila McLean and Gerry Maher., “Medicine, Morals, and the Law” 1983 p43~44 Gower Publishing Company Limited 1983
Douglas N.Walton., “Ethics of Withdrawal of Life-Support Systems” 1983 p180
A division of Greenwood Press, Inc. 1983
Fred Plum and Jerome B. Posner., “Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma” 1972 p.5
F. A. Davis Company 1972
De Wachter., “Euthanasia in the Netherlands” 1992 p3, Hastings Center Report;
Mar/Apr92, Vol.22 Issue 2, p23, 8p. Academic Search Premier. Ebscohost. Max
Chambers Library, UCO, Edmond, OK, 4-14-2005
Forbes, Steve., “Euthanasia by Stealth” 2005 p1, Forbes; 4/18/2005, Vol. 175 Issue 8,
P31, 2p Academic Search Premier. Ebscohost. Max Chambers Library, UCO, Edmond, OK, 4-14-2005
Michele Baskin-Jones, 2005. “Death &Dying Glossary of Terms: Definition of Euthanasia. Retrieved 4-10-2005 from http://dying.about.com/cs/glossary/g/g_Euthansia.htm.
Kass LR., 1991. “Why doctors must not kill.” P472 8 Suppl., Commonweal 1991. Aug 9; Vol. 118 (14 Suppl), pp. 472-6
Gorshuch, Neil M., “The Right to Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia.”, Summer 2000.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[의학, 건강, 영문] Is Euthanasia Needed in the Human Life?
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