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[페미니즘]페미니즘 영어 에세이 Are we living in a ‘post-feminist’ era?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Are we living in a ‘post-feminist’ era?
교환학생을 호주에서 하면서 들었던 페미니즘 수업 중간 1000자 영어에세이 입니다.
레퍼런스 달았고요.
distingtion이라고 우리나라로 치면 A를 받은 에세이 입니다. 교수가 좋아했습니다.
문법은 중간에 the같은 관사 빼먹은 거 3-4개 정도 있어서 체크 받은 정도입니다. 그 정도 실수는 있어줘야...^-^




Before responding to the question, there are two issues that should be discussed. Firstly the association of the notion of ‘we’, does ‘we’ mean only women, man or both, can ‘we’ define any human race such as African American, Caucasian or Asian people. The word ‘we’ can be also identified by other natures such as upper and lower class, young people and old people or from First world to Third world countries. Secondly, we need to understand the definition of post-feminism. What is post-feminism does post-feminism means division of the second wave feminism or succession of former feminism, merely mimicking the past or former era or completely different new theory. On the negative part, post-feminist means that they deny and criticize the second wave of feminism. Post feminism support individual, cultural and liberal agendas rather than group action or political subjects. In this respect people criticize post-feminism and call re-conservative movement to restrict feminism. In this sense I think the most important characteristic of answering the question is my identity: Asian, South Korean, developing country person, female, youth, and middle class.

참고 자료

Cho Haejoang (2004). Feminist Intervention in the Rise of ‘Asian’ Discourse: Feminist Politics, Activism and Vision. Inanna Publications and Education Inc.
Miriam Ching Yoon Louie (2005). Minjung Feminism: Korean Women’s Movement for Gender and Class Liberation: Praise for Cultural Studies: From Theory to Action. Pei Leistyna.
Jang Mikyung(1996). The Present Feminism and The Women’s Movement. Munyea.
Imelda Whelehan (1995). Modern Feminist Thought From the Second Wave to ‘Post-Feminism’. Edinburgh University press.


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[페미니즘]페미니즘 영어 에세이 Are we living in a ‘post-feminist’ era?
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