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[fashion history]18th century French costume

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2페이지/ MS워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


English essay on the topic.




In the 18th century French clothing history, Madame de Pompadour, a mistress of Louis the 15th and Marie Antoinette, the Queen of Louis the 16th were fashion-leaders. Their fashion style became very popular in French upper class society, and it spreads to all over Europe. Madame de Pompadour used light and flying-like fabrics popularly, and maximized the usage of decorative items, i.e. frill, ruffle, lace, ribbon, flowers to express feminine beauty through her clothing. Marie Antoinette pursued vanity and lavishness through her fashion and became a fashion-leader of hair style and extravagant costumes, thus her style was copied from all salons and palaces. At this moment, female clothing became the most splendors throughout the history.
Rococo style has been dominating the entire clothing styles until the French revolution period, it showed little bit different tendency from the mid-18th century. The change is made by adopting stylistic change like showing classic style a simple beauty became combined to Rococo style, and preferred elegant straight line rather than wavy line. Besides, there appear format-fitted expression from the liberal movement and it is due to the interest of classic style.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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