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[사회학]스포츠와 민족주의(Sports & Nationalism)

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16페이지/ MS 워드
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영어 리포트요..쓰느라 고생좀 했습니다..
정리 잘 되있구요..
후회 없으실 듯..
마감 임박하신 분들..이거 그냥 내세요..


1. Sports Nationalism
2. Global society and Sports.
3. Examples of sports influencing politics.


When the World Cup takes place every four years, soccer becomes the most popular sport in Korea. People stay up all night to watch the games, and when the games are held during the afternoon, some schools even cancel lessons and allow students to watch the games on TV. After the 2002 World Cup, in which Korea placed 4th in ranking, soccer has become an even more celebrated sport in Korea. Soccer players are admired and fans are fascinated with details such as the selection of the new team head coach. This is amusing, considering the fact that Korea`s own domestic soccer league, also known as K-league, is not popular at all. The Korea Soccer Association constantly demands people`s support for K-league, yet the stadiums remain empty, contrary to the sold-out tickets for international games such as preliminary matches for the World Cup.
Then why exactly are international competitions preferred over domestic games? In my opinion, it is the synergy between soccer games and nationalism that instigate enthusiasm on the citizens.

참고 자료

Beak, 1981 “What is nationalism.”
Han yi suck, 1999 “Sports Sociology.”
Doosan encyclopedia
Pooley, Webster, 1976 Sports and politics: Power play.
J.J. Coakely(1986). Sports in society: Issues and controversies. St Louis,
MI: Times Mirror/Mosby.
Strenk, A. 1977 Sports as an international political and diplomatic tool.
Park jung keun, Moon ik soo, Jun jin hyo. 1999 “Modern society & Sports.”
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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