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[산업공학,경영학]중국 인터넷 쇼핑몰의 고객만족요인에 관한 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
57페이지/ MS 워드
가격 6,800원 할인쿠폰받기


2006년2월의 석사졸업논문입니다.


Ⅰ. Introduction
1.1 The growing importance of the Internet
1.2 Current status of Internet in China
1.3 Statement of the problem
1.4 Purpose of the study
1.5 The structure of this study
Ⅱ. Theoretical background
2.1 E-Commerce
2.2 Customer satisfaction
2.3 Summary of literature review
Ⅲ. Research framework and hypotheses
3.1 Data collection methodology
3.2 Research Hypotheses
3.3 Research model
3.4 Variable definition
IV. Data analysis and procedure
4.1 Method of data analysis
4.2 The characteristics of respondents
4.3 Reliability analysis for measurement items
4.4 Factor analysis for construct validity of measurement
4.5 Multiple linear regression analysis
4.6 Hypothesis testing result
Ⅴ. Conclusions, Limitations and Recommendation
5.1 Summary of results
5.2 Limitations and methodological problems
5.3 Recommendations for future research
Ⅵ. References
Survey questionnaires



I am very appreciative of those individuals who have directed and encouraged me along the way. Those who now stand out in my mind are those who saw more for me than I was able to see for myself and pushed me in that direction.
First, I would like to extend my gratitude Professor, my major professor, for his efforts, vision, and support throughout my graduate life. Life would not have been the same without him.
I would also like to thank all the graduate students who endured this journey with me for their friendship, support, assistance, and insight. I am grateful for their understanding, help, and the knowledge. Thanks to my friends and family who stuck by me, no matter how bumpy the road seemed to get. Without the love of family behind me, I would not be the person I am nor would I have achieved my goals.


The Internet shopping mall as one of the types of electronic commerce has proliferated rapidly since the middle of 1990s where web technologies have played a major role in this growth. The growth of Internet shopping mall is expected to be accelerated because it has a lot of incentives such as convenience, broader selections, competitive pricing, greater access to information, product quality, and time to receive product. As the developing of China electronic commerce, Chinese Internet shopping mall’s quantity is increasing very fast, and the customer satisfaction is receiving increasing attention from academicians

참고 자료

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2. Letecia N.McKinney, “Creating a satisfying Internet shopping experience via atmospheric variables”, International Juournal of Consumer Studis, 28,3,June 2004, p268-283
3. Letecia N.McKinney, “Creating a satisfying Internet shopping experience via atmospheric variables”, International Juournal of Consumer Studis, 28,3,June 2004, pg.268-283
4. F.-J.Lin, K.Huarng,Y.-M.Chen, and S.-M. Lin, “Quality evaluation of web services”, IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology for Dynamic E-Business(CEC-East 2004)
5. F.-J.Lin, K.Huarng,Y.-M.Chen, and S.-M. Lin, “Quality evaluation of web services”, IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology for Dynamic E-Business(CEC-East 2004)
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7. Cheuk Fan Ng, “Satisfying shoppers’ psychological needs: From public market to cyber-mall”, Journal of Environmental Psychology 23(2003), pg.439-455
8. Chanaka Jayawardhena, “Personal values’ influence on e-shopping attitude and behavior ”, Internet Research, 2004,14,2, pg.127-138
9. Carter L. Smith, Donald A. Hantual, “Pricing effects on foraging in a simulated Internet shopping mall”, Journal of Economic Psychology 24 (2003), pg.653-674
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11. David Gefen, Detmar W.Straub, “Consumer trust in B2C e-Commerce and the importance of social presence: experiments in e-Products and e-Services”, The International Journal of Management Science 32(2004) pg.407-424
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