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[사회과학]영문) 세계화 이론, 계급 사회, 권력에 대한 영문 에세이

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최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
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캐나다에서 1학년 때 들은 사회과학 에세이 입니다. Formal한 에세이는 아니구요. 이틀정도 시간주고 쓴 시험과도 같은 숙제 겸 에세이입니다. 온지 1년반만에 쓴 것이라 틀린 부분도 있을 수 있습니다만, A+나왔습니다.
셰계화, 글로벌화에 대한 사회학자들의 이론을 동의 때론 반박하고 동의를 하면서 제 생각을 쓴 것이 4번이구요. 나머지도 같은 문제로 계급사회 또 사회 권력 및 힘 이런 것들에 대해서 쓴 것이 따로 개재 되어있습니다.


4. Compare and contrast Modernization Theory, Dependency Theory, World Systems Theory and The New International Division of Labour Theory, on the issue of Global Inequality. What theory, or theories, in your view best explains the issue, and why? Also, include in your response to what extent global inequality is important to you as a person, and what your vision is of the so-called “global village”, now and in the future.

2. Explain the relationship between power, politics and authority, and explain how this triad is manifested in a modern nation state. What type of authority system rules most modern nation states and what are some of the advantages and some of the drawbacks of this form of authority? Lastly, explain the relationship between political parties and the people, in terms of political attitudes and participation, in light of what you consider to be the major problems with modern politics under this system - any suggestions for the future?

3. Compare and contrast Marx, Weber, Wright and the Davis-Moore thesis on social class, structure and stratification. How can we best frame the problem of social stratification, i.e. how much stratification is normal and just (if any), and when does it become abnormal and unjust. What are your assumptions and views on this matter, and how do you then suggest dealing with the various problems outlined as being a related to social stratification?


Political party is an organization whose purpose is to gain and hold legitimate control of government. Such a political party is composed of people who have similar attitudes, interests, and socioeconomic status. To expand its dimension, political parties develops and articulates policy positions, educates voters about issues and simplifies the choices for them, and recruits candidates win office, and holds the candidates responsible for implementing the party’s policy position. Also, to make voters agree and vote for them, they make some policies such as equality of opportunity and economic liberty. People are considering these issues and voting for them because these issues are important to their lives. I think the problem is created after this. To make some program for these issues, they need to raise and spend money. And to support this, the government has to make some program that is financed by tax increase and make people dependent on the government. Moreover, upper-class people do not want their own income and assets taxed heavily to abolish poverty or societal problems.

참고 자료



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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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[사회과학]영문) 세계화 이론, 계급 사회, 권력에 대한 영문 에세이
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2024년 07월 18일 목요일
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