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[영어학]phrasal verb

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/ 한컴오피스
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이 논문은 phrasal verb 에 관한 이론에 대해서 여러학자들의 이론과 더불어서 과거 1970년대부터 현재까지의 자료들의 구조를 모았으며 각각의 내용에 대해서 변화하게 되어온 phrasal verb의 form, meaning, use 측면에서 심층적으로 다루고 있으며 현재 영미권에서 사용되어지고 있으며 또한 중요한 문법적 측면을 차지하고 있는 phrasa verb의 현재의 쓰임과 그 구조 그리고 의미에 대해서 조사한 자료를 적용시킨 것이라고 할 수 있습니다.


1. Introduction
Purpose of this studying Phrasal verb.
How to...
2. Body
Adul Taha`s Two-Word Verb
Anna Live`s Discontinuous Verb
Bruce Fraser`s Verb-Particle Combination
Dwight Bolinger`s Phrasal verb
The study will show the verb which has more easily composed with phrasal verb.
The study will show you the feature of particle which has related with verb.
3. Conclusion


An analysis of how different schools of grammatical theory influenced foreign language teaching may reveal some interesting aspects of language. The student learning English as a foreign or second language, may have found it difficult to understand structures, meaning, and use. Grammar use is really difficult for native speakers too. English, because the Latin-based early grammars neglected to include certain structures inherent. Thus, one would find little in early traditional grammar for native speakers concerning the phrasal verb, a construction of the type represented by clean up, look up, and stand for in the following sentence.

A. When are you going to clean up your room?
B. Jerry looked up the word in his dictionary.
Jerry looked the word up in his dictionary.
Jerry looked it up in this dictionary.
C. The statue of Liberty stands for certain American ideals.

`clean up` In sentence A means approximately be in harmony with one another; look up in sentence B means approximately search for and find ; and stand for in sentence C means approximately represent. In these setence, the meaning of its constituent within a phrasal verb does not necessarily contribute directly to the meaning of the whole structure, the pharasal verb often referred to as `idiomatic`.

참고 자료

Bolinger, D(1971). The Phrasal verb in English Cambridge, Mass: Havard University Press.
O`Dowd, E.(1994). "Prepositions and Particles in English: A Discourse-Based, Unifying Account." PH. D. dissertation, University of Colorado.
Live, Anna H.(1965). The discontinuous verb in English. Word 21.428-451.
Lindner, Susan.(1981). A lexico-semantic analysis of English verb particle constructions with OUT and UP. University of California(San Diego) Dissertation.
Fraser, Bruce. (1965) An examination of the verb-particle construction in English. MIT dissertation.
Fraser, Bruce.(1976) The Verb-particle combination In English.(Taishukan Studies in Modern Linguistics.) New York: Academic Press.
Taha, Abdul Krim. (1960) The structure of two-word verbs in English. Language Learning 1-.115-112.
Websites : http://www.phrasalverbdemon.com

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