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[영어학, 영어변천사,영어영문학]Etymology, 영어어원 조사

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영어 단어의 어원을 조사한 레포트 입니다.

총 11개의 단어를 비교적 자세히 조사하였으며, 파생, 합성에 의해 생성된 단어, 음가변화 또는 의미의 변화에 의한 단어, 외국에서 들어온 단어 등 여러가지 경로를 통한 단어의 어원이 기록되어 있습니다.
Grimm`s law나 Verner`s law, Great vowel shift등에 의해 변화가 된 단어들도 포함하고 있습니다.
정확한 reference와 각주를 달기 위한 노력을 많이 했습니다.
전문은 영어로 작성되었습니다.




Etymology Assignment

① Heart
Heart, which means one of the bodily organs, is from Indo-European root kerd-. Suffixed form of kerd- is kerd-en- and it became Germanic hert which gave birth to an Old English word heorte (AHD). In this process, Grimm’s law has affected the word. Voiced stops of Indo-European language (‘d’ in kerd-) transformed into voiceless stops in Germanic (‘t’ in heorte) and Indo-European voiceless stops (‘k’ in kerd-) into Germanic voiceless fricatives (‘h’ in heorte).
Indo-European root kerd- had influenced Latin root cor- which also means ‘heart’ and made lots of words such as courage, concord, and cardiac. It also influenced Greek root ker- which became an ancestor of Greek word kardi , meaning ‘heart’ and stomach.’.............................................................

참고 자료

The Oxford English Dictionary
The American Heritage Dictionary
Online Etymology Dictionary, 23, April 2005 <http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=bless&searchmode=none>
The Oxford Dictionary of Word History, Oxford University Press, 2002, p226
The Oxford Dictionary of Word History, Oxford University Press, 2002, p176
Ketchup, 23, April 2005 <http://www.takeourword.com/et_k-m.html#ketch>
A new dictionary of the terms ancient and modern of the canting crew defines catchup as ‘a high East-India Sauce’
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, Oxford University Press, 1986, p273
Verner’s law, 22, Feb. 2005 <http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/v/verner-k1.asp
The great vowel shift, 22, Feb. 2005 < http://alpha.furman.edu/~mmenzer/gvs/>
Anne H. Soukhavnov, Word Watch, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1995, p44-45
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, Oxford University Press, 1986, p534
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[영어학, 영어변천사,영어영문학]Etymology, 영어어원 조사
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