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[영어글쓰기]James Joyce의 The Dead에서 주인공의 self perfection에 대한 고찰

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최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


제임스 조이스의 더블린 사람들에 나오는 죽은 사람들(The dead)을 읽고 쓴 영어 에세이 입니다.
주인공이 소설 속에서 어떻게 자아를 인식하고 그의 자아인식이 어떻게 변해가는지에 관해 쓴 글입니다.




The perfection of self in “The Dead”

In “The Dead” by James Joyce, Gabriel Conroy is a university professor who has a sense of superiority over other people. However, seeing her wife Gretta crying for her old love, his egotism falls down and he gets greater understanding of himself and the world around him. Changes in his self-perception appear in the various kinds of voices. In “The Dead”, each type of voice helps readers to understand the inner world of characters and the intention of the writer. This paper will deal with four major types of voices: narrative voice, colored narrative, monitored speech, and directly quoted speech. The function of each type of voices can be understood by examining each part of the fiction in detail.

Gabriel is an egocentric person who feels superiority to other acquaintances. However, his self-perception totally changes after he finds out that his wife has not forgotten an old love. He feels alone and profoundly mortal, but spiritually connected for the first time with others. He overcomes his egocentric character and reaches the greater understanding about human being as a mortal. That leads to the perfection of self, out of the wall of egotism. Readers can follow the process that his self-consciousness is changing through various types of voices with rich experiences and impressions.

참고 자료

Joyce, James. “The Dead”, in Terence Patrick Murphy, Extra Workbook Material. Seoul: 2005: {1-27}.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영어글쓰기]James Joyce의 The Dead에서 주인공의 self perfection에 대한 고찰
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