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[영문학]Reading Wide Sargasso Sea(광막한 바다, 사르가소)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
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Jean Rhys 의 작품 "광막한 바다, 사르가소"를 읽고 영어로 쓴 작품분석


1. Introduction
2. Main subjects
(1) History Background
(2) Colonialism (Imperialism) and Feminism and Psychoanalytic Elements &
Post-modernism Techniques (anti-center, multi-narration)
- Multiple narrative voices
- Symbols and Motifs
- Title and Open Ending
(3) Madness
(4) Name - Racial Identity & Betrayal - Money
(5) Characters and Their Representation
(6) Compare with “Jane Eyre”
3. Conclusion


Bertha is Jane’s exact opposite in <Jane Eyre>. Jane, the virginal, pure heroin, is an angel from Heaven, while Bertha is represented by rage and fire, like a dark soulless creature from Hell. Many women in nineteenth century literature were depicted as demonized or something to be greatly feared either because of their sexuality or their resulting madness. Often times, these women were stereotyped as the "exotic other.” This is also true of Antoinette. She and Jane differ greatly in the ways that they accept and cope with the reality in society, and it is these differences that ultimately determine their fate. Jane Eyre follows the rules and possesses the rational virtue of that era, however Antoinette never accedes to society`s restrictions on women`s behavior, which caused her unavoidable destruction.

Even though it is a novel related to <Jane Eyre>, its value is not only limited in writing a pre-history for Bertha. It is an independent novel itself, in which author seeks to humanize the racially pressured characterization of a West Indian madwoman. Rhys’ critique of English colonialism and capitalist values comes through her novel, in her depiction of post-Emancipation Jamaica. She exposes the degraded ideologies, and she described the plight of Creole heiresses, these figures of tragic females victim in patriarchal colonial society.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영문학]Reading Wide Sargasso Sea(광막한 바다, 사르가소)
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