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[국제무역]Impact of China’s Accession to the WTO on Korea-China Bilateral Trade Relationships

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


국제통상과목 수강할 때 쓴 Term Paper


1. Introduction
2. Historical Overview of Trade Relationship
3. Impact of China’s WTO Commitments to the Bilateral Trade
4. Prospect and Implications


In recent years, the cooperation of the trade has developed rapidly and progressively between China and Korea. China is a promising market with vast population and expansive territory. Korea also has about 40 years experience with a fast growing economy, and is prospering again after overcoming the past economic crisis. The two economies share both complementarity and similarity with each other in their industry and trade structure, and the potential benefits from trade are numerous. Moreover, the geographic proximity and cultural resemblance between the two nations, along with their complementarity in demand and supply, makes trade between the two almost an economic imperative. The trade relation is especially promoted by two crucial issues: one is the normalization of diplomatic relation between the two countries in 1992, when China started to apply the open-door policy, and another is the China’s accession into the WTO in 2001. According to the demand of WTO, China has to reduce the tariff and cancel non-tariff barriers step by step. It also should step up the work of revising relevant laws and regulations quickly, increasing the transparency of examination and approval. All of which may improve its whole business and trade environment for bilateral trade. This paper here will present historical overview of the trade relationship during both these two periods, and will mainly focus on the comparison of the bilateral trade performance before and after China’s WTO entry

참고 자료

Adhikari, Ramesh, and Yongzheng Yang, 2002, What Will WTO Membership Mean for China and Its Trading Partners? Finance & Development, September (Washington: IMF)

Eui-Gak Hwang, Korea University: Trade and Investment between China and South Korea – Its Current Status and Prospects, October 2004

Sang-yirl Nam, KIEP:Trade Structure and Trade Potential Between China, Japan and Korea, 2003

David Roland-Holst, ADB: An Overview of PRC’s Emergence and East Asian Trade Patterns to 2020, October 2002

Lee Chang-kyu, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy: Economic Relations between Korea and China, 2003

A Report to the US Trade Representative: A Review of China’s Compliance with World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Rules, September 2003

Thomas Rumbaugh and Nicolas Blancher: China: International Trade and WTO Accession, 2004, IMF Working Paper

Myron A. Brilliant, Vice President, Asia, US. Chamber of Commerce: China’s WTO Record: A Two Year Assessment, 2003

Bongkyo Seo, LG Economic Research Institution: China’s entry to WTO and its effect on Korean industries, 2001

KITA (Korea International Trade Association) http:// db.kita.net
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[국제무역]Impact of China’s Accession to the WTO on Korea-China Bilateral Trade Relationships
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