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[영문학]한여름밤의 꿈

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2페이지/ MS 워드
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셰익스피어의 연극을 보고 감상평을 써 내라는 숙제에, 시간의 제약상 연극을 직접 볼 수는 없고, BBC에서 제작한 play recording DVD와 미국에서 영화화 한 "a midsummer night`s drea"을 보고 비교하여 간단한 감상평을 썼습니다.

전문은 영어로 작성되었습니다.




Why do we study works of Shakespeare who died more than three hundreds years ago? And why people in 21st century still want to see his play and are moved by them? These are the questions I was bearing in mind when I decided to take a lecture on Shakespeare. I wanted to make sure of vitality of Shakespeare’s plays throughout the centuries myself. Therefore, I picked two A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which are released in 1982 and in 1999 each.
The first recording is one of BBC’s Shakespeare collections that are known as the most textually complete version. As it is renowned, I felt that it translated its text faithfully. Lines are almost the same but players’ acting seems to be somewhat stiff. The second one is a movie rather than a play recording. It changes a stage period slightly to the 1880s. Although most of important and famous lines still appear as in the original version, there are some funny properties that make the play slightly different from the original one. Hermia and Lysander rides bicycle to escape from Athene, and fairies steal a gramophone from duke’s house.

참고 자료

BBC, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1982. Helen Mirren (Titania), Peter McEnery (Oberon), Pippa Guard (Hermia), Brian Glover (Bottom). 110 min.

Michael Hoffman, , A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1999, Rupert Everett, Calista Flockhart, Kevin Kline, Michelle Pfeiffer, Stanley Tucci, Christian Bale, Sophie Marceau, David Strathairn. 120 min.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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