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[영문학]Literary Analysis of Hills like White Elephants

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
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교환학생으로 미국 학교에서 영문학 수업들으면서 제출했던 과제물 입니다.
교수님과 스페셜 리스트들의 도움을 받아 몇번이나 수정을 한 결과물이며
교환학생 임에도 불구하고 좋은 성과를 얻은 과제물 입니다. (영어로 썼음)


1. plot of "Hills like White Elephants"
2. feature of specific pattern
3. feature of contents
- scenery
- symbolism
- Hemingway`s personality


Hemingway begins his story with descriptions of the place where the story progresses. At this time, understanding about the kind of operation is helpful to find meanings in a lot of symbols, such as hills and white elephants. If we could not guess the kind of operation, we merely would regard these descriptions, such as hills and white elephants, as common scenery. First, the readers guess that the term “white elephants” which is the title of this story stands for the unwanted baby. Likewise, we guess that “Hill” describes the belly of a pregnant woman, but “Hill of no shade and no trees” means a lifeless thing. The “rail” also plays an important role in this story. Hemingway uses the “Rail” as the parallel state of each line, indicating that the man and the girl essentially cannot understand each other. The “bead curtain” symbolizes that the two characters cannot join with other people who are drinking in the bar inside because they have a problem that makes them conflict with and separate from other people. Because of their conflict they are unable to function socially until the problem is resolved. Their “Two Bags” indicate the girl and an unborn baby who are regarded as burdensome things to the man. Finally, we guess that “The Other Side” indicates life or abundance; that is, this place contrasts the hills that indicate emptiness or barrenness with fertile fields: “Across, on the other side, were fields of grain and trees along the banks of the Ebro” (p. 125).

Hemingway only describes the surrounding scenery where the story progresses and uses plain language, such as listing conversations. That is, he takes himself out of a narrator’s role and allows the dialogues of the characters to carry the story. Moreover, he expects readers to use their imaginations to discover his intention, classically given by narrators in other novels and short stories.

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[영문학]Literary Analysis of Hills like White Elephants
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