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[영작문]How do you stand on boys and girls studying separately? 남녀 공학에 대한 나의 생각

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/ 한컴오피스
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남녀공학에 대한 제 생각에 대해 영작한 내용입니다.
반쪽 분량




totally disapprove of boys and girls studying separately. I graduated both women`s middle school and coeducational high school. So, I think I can compare two systems well based on my experience.
People who are opposed to studying separately say that coeducational system disturbs one`s studying. They say that students in coeducational school are interested in social things more than academic things. Secondly, some people think that studying separately help student to experience both sexes` affaires. For example, if there are no men, women have to load heavy things, fix machines and do a lot of things which tend to be treated as man`s duty.
But I would not agree to these opinion. In general, students in coeducational school have good relationship with friends and experience a lot of group activity. These kind of things help them get rid of stress. So, It will make students focus on their study without stress. I thought that a tension atmosphere in women`s school was a bit stressful.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영작문]How do you stand on boys and girls studying separately? 남녀 공학에 대한 나의 생각
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