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[세대갈등]intergenerational conflict in Korean immigrant families

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11페이지/ MS 워드
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작문 시간에 작성했던 과제로 소논문 형식입니다.
세대간의 갈등, 특히 미국에 거주하는 한국인 가정 내에서의 세대갈등에 관해 주목했습니다.




There is generation gap and intergenerational conflicts, conflict between one generation and another generation, in any country and any times. A part of Code of Hammurabi, the first written code of laws in human history, appeared the worry about young generation which is “the young men of today are rude.” Like this, the problem has always existed but the degree of seriousness is related the situation and the cognizance. Generation gap and intergenerational conflicts is considered one of the tragic problems in modern society because modern society has changed rapidly. For this reason, each generation experience remarkably difference situation and it make misunderstanding and conflicts between youth generation and parents’ generation.
Immigrant families undergo more severe intergenerational conflicts than the family in their own country. Immigrant families experience the problem that if they live in their culture, they don’t experience it. What is more, the culture difference between Korean and America is wide, and so the problem of intergenerational conflicts in Korean American families is more serious compared to other groups of Koreans and other ethnic groups in the United States.

참고 자료

Bae, Young, (1999), Conflict Came from Cultural Difference between Parents and Children, Proceedings of a Workshop on Intergenerational Conflicts in Korean Immigrant Families, 8-25

Han, Joon- sang, (1987), The Community of Overseas Koreans and the Problem of Education, Sam- Sung Publishing Company

Hurh, Won Moo, and Kwang Chung Kim. (1984), Korean Immigrants in America: A Structural Analysis of Ethnic Confinement and Adhesive Adaptation. Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.

Kauh, Tae-ock, Intergenerational Relations: Older Korean-American’s Experiences, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 12, 245-274

Patterson, Wayne. (1988), The Korean Frontier in America: Immigration to Hawaii,
1896-1910, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[세대갈등]intergenerational conflict in Korean immigrant families
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