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[MEMS]DNA based nanotechnology

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ MS 워드
가격 6,000원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Introduction
DNA is highly recognized in nanotechnology. The departure of this field [1] inspired from the complementarities of their base sequences which have genetic information called Watson - Crick Model.
Also, the sequence can be exploited as a program for constructing nano structure with DNA molecules [2-9]. This DNA structure also shows the possibility as a nanomechanical device [10~22]. In addition, this information driven self-assembly can be utilized to promote self-array nano particles and even the DNA cemented nano structure by its programmable self-assembly property [23~31]. The controllable and predictable property of DNA is highly remarked through all around of the nano-scale related technology. Our survey is focused on this highly spot-lighted DNA-related nano mechanics, such as DNA structural devices, DNA-assembled nano particles, and carbon nano tube tuned by DNA.
DNA based Assembly 에 관한 mechanical 적인 application을 presentation 하였다. 특히, DNA functionalied with carbon nano tube, Pure DNA nanostructure, Nanoparticle assembly using DNA, 등을 잘 설명해 놓았고...
Biological DNA 에 대한 설명도 충실히 하였다..
최소 50편 이상의 엄청난 분량의 논문, 특히 review paper 중점적으로 읽었습니다.


I. Introduction

II. DNA Nanostructure and Mechanical Device
1 Basic knowledge for DNA
2. Basic units: Motifstructure
3. DNA nanomechanical devices

III. DNA-Assembled Nanoparticles
1. Basic concept
2. The First concept of the method [1]
3. Why groupings of Au linked with DNA is used? [2]
4. Properties of DNA-based Au nanoparticle assembly

IV. DNA functionalized with Carbon Nano Tube
1. Basic knowledge for DNA functionalized CNT
2. Motivation using DNA & CNT
3. Approach


Nanostructures of pure DNA


1.1 Basic knowledge for DNA structure
The basic fundamentals of properties and structure that DNA has are needed to understand at first. DNA has well-known double helix structure, consisting of the basic unit, nucleotide. The nucleotide is composed of base, sugar, and phosphate. The two backbones have directionality, and they are rotated upside down from each other. This structure is represented with dyad axis perpendicular to helical axis. The Watson-Crick base pairs between adenine (A) and thymine (T), and between guanine (G) and cytosine (C) is essential part bring it into nanotechnology for their affinity pairs. Figure 1 aids the understanding of DNA. The continuous hydrogen bonding between two pairs, A-T and C-G, builds double helical structure rotating right-hand, this is the B-DNA in biology.

2. Basic units: Motif
2.1 Sticky ends and Branched DNA
DNA structural nanotechnology is started with a single DNA strand with overhang, called ‘sticky-ends.’ Two sticky-ends with complementary base sequences can bind by forming classical B-DNA. This cohesion of two stick-ends is illustrated in figure 2.

2.2 Rigid motifs
A stable branched DNA, mentioned above, is not such great for structural building blocks because connection between units of branched DNA is somewhat flexible. The stiff motif can be derived by the reciprocal exchange which is provided by one of the process biology uses to produce Holiday junction, illustrated in figure 5(a).

참고 자료

////////////// Nanostructures of pure DNA ///////////////
[1] Seeman, N. C., 1982 Nucleic acid junctions and lattices J. Theor. Biol. 99 237–47
[2] Chen, J. and Seeman, N.C. (1991) The synthesis from DNA of a molecule with the connectivity of a cube. Nature 350, 631–633
[3] Zhang, Y. and Seeman, N.C. (1994) The construction of a DNA truncated octahedron. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116, 1661–1669
[4] Winfree, E. et al. (1998) Design and self-assembly of two-dimensional DNA crystals. Nature 394, 539–544
[5] Liu, F. et al. (1999) Modifying the surface features of two-dimensional DNA crystals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 917–922
/////////////// DNA assembled Nanoparticles ///////////////
[1] C. A. Mirkin, R. L. Letsinger, R.C. Mucic, and J.J. Storhoff, Nature 382, 607 (1996)
[2] D. Zanchet, C. M. Micheel, W. J. Parak, D. Gerion, and S. C. Williams, Elecrophoretic and Structural Studies of DNA-directed Au Nanoparticle Groupings
//////////////// DNA functionalized with CNT ////////////////////
[1] T.S. Verschueren, A.R.M. and C. Dekker, Nature 393, 49 (1998)
[2] V. Derycke, R. Martel,J. Appenzeller, and P. Avouris, Nano lett. 1, 453 (2001)
[3] A. Bachtold, P. hadley, and C. Dekker, C. Science 294, 1317 (2001)
[4] H. W. Postma, …, and C. Dekker, C. Science 293, 76 (2001)
[5] S.K. Smart, A.I. Cassady, G.Q. Lu, D. J. Martin, carbon 44 (2006) 1034

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[MEMS]DNA based nanotechnology
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