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[영작문]Eglish composition 을 잘하기 위해선

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최종 저작일
2페이지/ 한컴오피스
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English composition에 대한내용을 영작한 것입니다.
영작을 잘하기 위한 내용입니다.




In reading, I agree with it. It is saying," Certain organismic states, certain ranges of feeling, certain verbal or symbolic linkages, are stirred up in the linguistic reservoir -picks out elements that synthesize or blend into what constitutes "meaning." Meaning does not reside ready-made in the text or in the reader, it happens during the transaction between reader and text." We, individuals, have our own linguistic reservoir. Linguistic reservoir is not splendid thing, but it has our experiences, knowledge, etc. For instance, when we read the poem, we read it aesthetically and reading the caution of a certain product, we read it to the letter.
In my opinion, the meaning seems that the mixture of the reader`s experiences, knowledge, idea ,surroundings and the mind at that reading time. So the meaning established after reading one text is the reader`s, it is not writer`s any more. It is already left the writer`s hand, mind and head. Then, in writing, I think writing is the followings of the reading. Reading can be done if we know the letters, but writing is different. I think we can`t write aesthetically or efferently, though we know the letters. That is, there is another thing in writing process. It can be the skill or writer`s personal experiences. But, the most important thing in writing is my strong confidence. Writers have to think continuously I can write well and I can be the great writer, etc. Most of us are reader and we can be the writer.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영작문]Eglish composition 을 잘하기 위해선
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