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[데이터 통신]DataCommunication and Networking (forouzan)

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DataCommunication and Networking (forouzan)
chapter 7.
review questions


1. Is the transmission medium a part of the physical layer? why or why not?
2. Name the two major categories of transmission media
3. how do guided media differ from unguided media?
4. what are the three major classes of guided media?
5. what is the form of the signal in twisted-pair cable and coaxial cable? how does this differ from the signal in fiber-optic cable?
6. give a use for each class of guided media
7. what is the major advantage of shielded twisted-pair over unshieded twisted-pair cable?
8. what is the significance of the twisting in twisted-pair cable?
9. why is coaxial cable superior to twisted-pair cable?
10. what is reflrection
11. discuss the modes for propagating light along optical channels.
12. what is the purpose of cladding in an optical fiber? discuss its density relative to the core
13. Name the advatages of optical fibel over twisted-pair and coaxial cable
14. what are the disadvantages of optical fiber as a transmission medium?
15. Name the three ways for wireless data to be propagated
16. give a use for each class of unguided media.
17. how does sky propagation differ from line-of-sight propagation?
18. what is the difference between omnidirectional waves and unidirectional waves?
19. what is an IrDA port?


1. Is the transmission medium a part of the physical layer? why or why not?
아니다. transmission medium은 실제로 physical layer 아래에 위치하여 physical layer에 의해 직접 제어된다.

2. Name the two major categories of transmission media
Guided media(유도매체)와 Unguided media(비유도매체)

3. how do guided media differ from unguided media?
한 장치에서 다른 장치로의 통로를 제공하는 Guided media은 twisted-pair(꼬임상선)와 coaxial cable(동축 케이블)과 fiber-optic cable(광섬유 케이블)이 포함된다.
이와 같은 매체를 따라 이동하는 신호는 매체의 물리적 제한에 따라 전송 방향이 설정되고 적재된다.
Unguided media는 물리적 도선을 사용하지 않고서 전자기 신호를 전송한다.
이러한 통신을 무선 통신이라고 한다.

4. what are the three major classes of guided media?
twisted-pair(꼬임상선)와 coaxial cable(동축 케이블)과 fiber-optic cable(광섬유 케이블)

5. what is the form of the signal in twisted-pair cable and coaxial cable? how does this differ from the signal in fiber-optic cable?
twisted-pair cable and coaxial cable은 전류의 형태로 신호를 받고, 전달하는 금속성 도선을 사용하고, fiber-optic cable은 빛의 형태로 신호를 받고 전달하는 유리나 플라스틱 케이블을 사용한다.

6. give a use for each class of guided media
twisted-pair cable : 전화
coaxial cable : 케이블 TV, 이더넷 LAN
fiber-optic cable : 중추 네트웍, 이더넷 LAN

7. what is the major advantage of shielded twisted-pair over unshieded twisted-pair cable?
잡음으로부터 안전하다.

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[데이터 통신]DataCommunication and Networking (forouzan)
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