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영어에세이- Cruise Pollution

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최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
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환경오염중에서 해양관광cruise tourism 에 의한 해양오염을 주제로 한 영어 에세이입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Wastes impact seriously on our marine animal species and human disease
A. Raw sewage
B. Solid garbage
C. Gray water

3. Oil

4. Emissions

5. Conclusion


Have you seen the movie Titanic? It is based on a real story which is about the huge luxury cruise ship which hit an iceberg by accident and gradually sunk into the sea on April 15, 1912, and for this accident about 1,500 people died (Encyclopædia Britannica online). Cruise ships are big business. Nevertheless this big cruise ship ended miserably, today, cruise tourism has grown by more than 1,000% since 1970s when cruise ships built (Ocean Conservancy, 2004); and each year, to see the most stunning and delicate aquatic ecosystems, about 9.5 million passengers with 200 cruise ships are boarding and exploring in the ocean (Winalski, 2003). Also, cruise ships are literally floating cities. The largest ship can carry more than 5,000 passengers and crew, and it has its own zip code and holds five restaurants, seven bars, three swimming pools, theatre, stores, and so force (Ocean Conservancy, 2002). However, although cruise tourism is a great way to explore our marine environment, it may be destroying the environment that people are going to see for three big major reasons: wastes, oil spills, and emissions by cruise ships.
First of all, cruise tourism generates many different kinds of wastes that cause scarring of animal species and public health. Raw sewage, solid garbage, and gray water are the three critical pollutants that are harmful to the marine

참고 자료

Gaur, G. (1997). International encyclopaedia of environmental pollution and its management: Volume-2 Water pollution and its management. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons. pp.117-198.

Ocean Conservancy. (2004). Cruise ships and clean oceans. [Electronic version]. Washington, DC: Ocean Conservancy.

Ocean Conservancy. (May 2004). Cruise control. [Electronic version]. Washington, DC: Ocean Conservancy. pp.3-4,10-23.

Oceana. (2002). Needless cruise pollution. [Electronic version]. Washington, DC: Oceana.

Schmidt, K. (March 2000). Cruising for trouble: Stemming the tide of cruise ship pollution. [Electronic version]. Bluewater Network.

Titanic. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 11, 2005, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online. http://search.eb.com.cyber.usask.ca/eb/article?tocId=9072642&query=titanic&ct=
Winalski, D. (2003). The clean cruise ship act. [Electronic version]. Bluewater network.
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