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[인문]Fever (script for powerpoint presentation)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Script for powerpoint(Fever)^^

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1. Good afternoon everyone. Today I am going to talk about Fever. Firstly, is there anyone who has never had temperature in your life? That’s good. Then you all must know about fever quite well. Then let me start.

2. What is fever? A fever is when the body temperature rises above 37.2°C. As we learned the normal body temperature is between 36- 37.2 °C usually. Fever is one of your body’s reactions to infection which is one way of your body’s fighting against illness.
Then why do we get fever? Fever can be caused by a wide variety of diseases. Infections (Cold or flue, sore throats or ear infections), medications for example, antibiotics, blood pressure lowing drugs. Blood vessel diseases and autoimmune disorders, AIDS or HIV infection. Also fever often happens in infants who are overdressed in hot weather.
3. When you have fever, you usually have chills, and often get muscle pain in everywhere. Also you easily feel tired, and restless from discomfort. Because your body temperature rises, you have red cheeks.
4. Then how can you treat your fever? Here are some recommendations you can do at home. Drink lots of water, and take a record your body temperature every 2 hours and whenever your symptoms changes. You might feel fresher if you have a sponge bath with lukewarm water. If the fever is making you feel too uncomfortable, then some medications can be taken as needed. And dress lightly, and eat something light which you can digest easily.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]Fever (script for powerpoint presentation)
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