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Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Management 영문 레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영문으로 작성된 레포트 입니다.
투어리즘과 하스피탈리티 인더스트리에 관한이슈와 매니지먼트에 대하여 자세히 논하였습니다.
영문워드갯수로 2000자 이상의 글입니다.
관광학에 공부하시는분에게 도움이 될것입니다. 저는 뉴질랜드 대학교에 재학중인 학생입니다.




Nowadays, tourism has become a considerable force for change in the world. Tourism has developed to a point at that it is generally being indicated as the largest industry in the world since the end of the Second World War. The World Tourism Organisation (WTO) estimates that today the number of international tourists exceeds over 528 million people annually, and yearly their expenditure from activities is over US $320 billion. Globally, an estimated 74 million people are in the tourism industry, including travel and transport, accommodation, promotion, entertainment, visitor attractions and tourist retailing (Williams, 1998). Firstly, this essay will identify the key concepts in the tourism industry, including tourism, tourists, tourism products and their quality, and the structure of the tourism industry. Secondly, this essay will identify the key concepts in the backpacker sector, including backpackers as tourists and backpacker accommodation. Lastly, this essay will identify the key concepts in accommodation, especially hotels. Moreover, this essay will discuss the importance of those concepts to the tourism and hospitality industry. Besides, this essay will provide a critique of the lectures and how they have assisted students to understand the tourism and hospitality industry.

참고 자료

Collier, A. (2003). Principles of tourism: A New Zealand perspective (6th ed.). Auckland:
Pearson Education New Zealand.

Medlik, S., & Ingram, H. (2000). The business of hotels. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-

Ministry of Tourism. (2001). New Zealand tourism strategy 2010. Wellington: Ministry
of Tourism.

Newlands, K. (2004). Setting out in the road less travelled: A study of backpacker travel
in New Zealand. In G. Richards & J. Wilson (Eds.), The global nomad: Backpacker
travel in theory and practice (pp.217-236). Clevedon, England: Channel View.

Panakera, C. (2006, March 28). Accommodation, Lecture presented in the University of
Waikato, Hamilton.

Pearce, P. (1990). The backpacker phenomenon: Preliminary answers to basic questions.
Townsville: Department of Tourism, James Cook University.

Pearce, P. L. (2005). Tourist behaviour: Themes and conceptual schemes.
Clevedon, England: Channel View.

Richards, G., & Wilson, J. (2004). The global nomad: Motivations and behaviour of
independent travellers worldwide. In G. Richards & J. Wilson (Eds.), The global
nomad: Backpacker travel in theory and practice (pp.14-39). Clevedon, England:
Channel View.

Williams, S. (1998). Tourism geography. Oxford: Routledge.

WTO. (1991). Recommendation 29. Madrid: World Tourism Organisation.


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Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Management 영문 레포트
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