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Health-care industry & senior market

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경제학 강의 수강 중 제출했던 Health-care industry & senior market에 대한 페이퍼 입니다. (영문 6P)
BUSINESS WEEK ONLINE 2005, Dec의 기사에서 힌트를 얻어 전세계적으로 증가하고 있는
senior market을 분석하고 그로 인해 개발, 적용이 가능한 Health-care industry의 가능성에
대해 제시한 보고서입니다.




As the first of the Baby Boom generation turns 60, money managers expect another kind of boom -- in the revenues and earnings of companies that cater to this aging cohort of 77 million Americans. The older boomers, now age 50-plus, are in their peak earning years, and "the demand for products they use is growing faster than average," says Tom Laming, president of TrendStar Advisors. While some of these stocks may seem pricey, keep in mind that "this is just the beginning of an 18-year span of retiring boomers. So these companies have a long path of growth ahead of them," says Leslie Globits, portfolio manager of Victory Special Value Fund ().

>> 1. ALLERGAN The older you are, the more likely you are to suffer from eye ailments such as cataracts, glaucoma, and dry eye. So an increase in the elderly population bodes well for Allergan Inc. (), a leading manufacturer of ophthalmologic pharmaceuticals.
What sets Allergan apart from its rivals, such as Alcon Inc. () and Bausch & Lomb Inc. (), is the company`s focus on cosmetic therapies. Allergan has a patent on Botox, the preferred boomer alternative to face-lifts. Allergan also is expanding its cosmetic surgery business by acquiring Inamed Corp. (), maker of other facial fillers, breast implants, and the LAP-BAND, a device that blocks off part of the stomach so that it can hold less food. That product is growing rapidly, as it is less invasive than gastric bypass surgery.

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