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개화기 전후 여성의 삶 -영어논문-Focus of the lives of Women before and after the enlightenment

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


한국 여성사에 관련된 논문입니다. 물론, 모두 영어로 써져 있구요^^ 정말 자료도 꼼꼼하고 좋습니다. 제가 도서관 많이 뒤지면서 썼거든요. 영어도 교정도 다 받고 그래서 완전 많은 도움을 받으실수 있을거라고 장담합니다 ^^! 또 부록으로 표지도 들어있습니다! 완성도 높습니다!각주도 달아있고.참고문헌도 기록되어있고. 또 자료첨부도 꼼꼼하게 체크해서 들어져있습니다^^


< Outline >

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Body
Ⅰ. Women as victim
1) Social background against subjective life of women ;
- Patriarchy, Stereotype
2) As the role of mother ; Sacrificed herself for her children
3) Supporting family economy

Ⅱ. Women as agency
1) Social background for awakening of women; Christian and Dong-hak
2) Education of women ; Chanyang organization, Independence newspaper.
3) Active social participation ; Redemption of the National Debt Movement,
Emergence of working women

Ⅲ. Conclusion

Ⅳ. Reference list


Ⅰ. Introduction
First of all, The lives of women before and after the Enlightenment were mainly reported through a negative point of view in the presentation as you pointed out. The reason was that when the General Introduction to Korea’ was previewed, My presentation put a lot of emphasis on preview fragments of Women were Victim. So I felt regret when my presentation on the lives of women before and after the Enlightenment, which began with questions such as Were women able to break away from the family to move forward in society?, During the Enlightenment, Did women enjoy things outside of life concentrated on the family?, ended having commented mainly on the lives of women who were victimized in a male dominated society. However, I think that the presentation activities before the final paper provided an opportunity to write a better my final paper. This was because I was able to realize how difficult it is to piece together an objective viewpoint based on the images of the various lives of women in a somewhat comprehensive topic of women’s lives of a specific time period, which is different from explainable topics that focus on things such as womens clothing, women in advertising, or women in music.

참고 자료

Kyungok Jeon (2005) Cultural history of Korean women Ⅰ,Ⅱ
Yoseup Joo (1948) A man who stayed a detached living room and mother
Anonymous (1936) Women Magazine
Anonymous (1926) News paper
Ik Lee (1984) Women history of Korea Ⅱ P.178
Yongok Park (1984) Research of Korean womens movement
Yongok Park (1981) Equality of sexes of Dong-hak P140-41
Indepence newspapaer - 1898.9.15, 1898.10.13
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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개화기 전후 여성의 삶 -영어논문-Focus of the lives of Women  before and after the enlightenment
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