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[조직행동론]Diedre Moire Corp. Reuning case study

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최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Diedre Moire Corp.의 케이스를 통하여 조직과 구성원에 대한 행동론 공부. 케이스와 에세이 모두 영어로 작성.




The trend today is away from rigid rules and procedures. Flexibility is the new gospel. While these statements may be true in general, not every manager is buying into it. One in particular is Stephen Reuning, head of the New Jersey recruiting firm, Diedre Moire Corp.
New employees at Diedre Moire must copy Mr. Reuning`s 244 - page Standard Operating Protocol-using longhand script, three times over. This manual covers everything that`s expected of company employees - from procedures on how to greet customers to how to sit during lunch to hair and grooming tips to what items should and should not be on the employee`s desk. It can take 100 hours or more for new employees to make their copies. After that they still have to pass 12 oral exams over the content.
Reuning is obsessive about documenting everything. Since starting the firm 18 years ago, he has stored 45,000 pages of data on the firm`s computer network. Every process, procedure, product, form, letter, brochure, and agreement used by any Diedre Moire employee is documented, cataloged and stored so it`s readily available to any and all members of the firm.
Reuning`s fascination with rules and control is not for everyone. According to Reuning, half of the job candidates he interviews head for the door when told about the protocol requirements. Of those who stay, about one in five lasts beyond a year. One former employee, who lasted nine months, calls the company`s environment more structured than the basic training he had in the Army. "They were robotic," he says

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[조직행동론]Diedre Moire Corp. Reuning case study
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