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아일랜드의 경제발전 보고서 Ireland, the Celtic Tiger

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6페이지/ 한컴오피스
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Celtic Tiger 라고 불릴 정도로 큰 성과를 이룬 아일랜드에 관하여
영어로 쓴 영문 보고서 입니다. 아일랜드 거시 경제 지표와
아일랜드의 배경, 경제적 상황, 극복과정, 향후 과제, 한국에 시사하는 점
등을 영어로 썼습니다.


Main Indicators of Irish Economy


How did Ireland became the Celtic tiger of Europe?

Becoming a wealthy nation

The Irish Economic Crisis

Recognition of economic situation

The way Ireland overcame its economic crisis

What Ireland has to consider from now on

What Ireland reflects on Korea




While globalization was spreading all throughout the world, Ireland had just stayed as a poor country located in the outskirts of Europe. Since 1993, however, Ireland began to step up in their economic situation, recording rapid average annual growth rate of over 7%. With the effort of Irish government, which made a success in attracting foreign investment, Ireland has much developed in cutting-edge technology and service industry such as computer, software, medicine and international financial service. Its growth has been superhigh-speed. As a result, it could overcome the unemployment rate reaching 15.5% in 1993 in a short while and made a lot of economic achievements. Now, Ireland is called Celtic tiger, naming after Asian countries` nick name for rapid growth rate.
In economic aspects, Ireland could not help being behind other European countries for a long time. Compared with southern European countries which made huge development of modern manufacturing industry,, it had many weak points. It was located in the southern part of the Europe, conquered by England for years, didn`t have the registration system and its soil used for agriculture, its mainstay industry, was of very low quality.
However, as Irish government began to encourage modern policies, which pursued change in industrial infrastructure, Ireland`s economic circumstances began to change, too. Second and third industry were considered more important than first industry and that was a very big change in Ireland`s economy. After the world warⅡ was over, the Irish government pursued high customs duties and regulated foreign capital to protect the small, traditional industries such as dairy farming, textile fabrics, and organic processing industry. However, since 1960, the government changed its policy from high tax and regulation to introduction of foreign capital and trade entry policy and this change is considered the most important factor to development of Ireland`s economy.

참고 자료

․상공회의소 : http://country.korcham.net/europe/ireland/index.html
․주아일랜드 대사관 : http://country.korcham.net/europe/ireland/index.html
․Central Statistics Office : www.cso.ie
․Enterprise Ireland : www.enterprise-ireland.com
․IDA Ireland : www.idaireland.com
․OECD : http://www.oecd.org
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