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[영문에세이]영어강의의 필요성

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대학에서 영어강의가 필요하다는 주제로 쓴 에세이입니다.

국내 명문대학들에서 영어강의가 점차 확대되어 가고 있으므로 그에 대한 경쟁력을 갖추기 위해서 영어강의를 실시해야 한다는 내용입니다. xxx Univ 부분을 알맞게 수정해서 사용하시면 됩니다.

분량은 1000단어 이내이며, A4로는 4장에 해당하는 분량입니다.


Topic sentence: “xxx Univ. should increase the number of IT lecture in English.”

1. Introduction
1.1 Background knowledge: abstract, background, the reason to write this paper
1.2 Definition: the definition of `lecture in English`
1.3 My position, Topic sentence
1.4 Scope of my paper: only IT-lectures, for xxx Univ. students
1.5 Introducing body-1: positive effects of English lecture.
1.6 Introducing body-2: the situation of other universities.
1.7 Introducing body-3: difficulties and present solutions.

2. Body
2.1 Body-1: <The advantages of English lecture>
2.1.1 Main Idea: many advantages of lecture in English.
2.1.2 Supporting Idea-1: basic advantages
2.1.3 Supporting Idea-2: survey materials

2.2 Body-2: <The circumstance of other universities>
2.2.1: Main Idea: circumstance of other universities
2.2.2 Supporting Idea: reference materials (news articles)

2.3 Body-3: <The circumstance of xxx Univ. and problems>
2.3.1: Main Idea: circumstance of xxx Univ.
2.3.2 Supporting Idea-1: our problems
2.3.3 Supporting Idea-2: ways to resolve these problems

3. Conclusion
3.1 Summary of body-1
3.2 Summary of body-2
3.3 Summary of body-3
3.4 Repeating topic sentence
3.5 Suggesting weak points or further study: how to relieve student`s burden for English lecture.


After the need of the lecture in English has being found, the number of lectures in English at a university is increasing at many universities recently. At this, 'lecture in English' did not mean lecture regarding English subject, but also it means a lecture which the professor speak in English. Especially, the distinguished universities such as Korea, Yeon-sei, Seoul, and KAIST Univ. announced that they will gradually raise the ratio of lectures in English. Under this circumstance, Xxx Univ. should also increase the number of lectures in English. In fact, there are so many advantages and disadvantages of lecture in English. Therefore, it is impossible to deal with everything in this short paper. In this reason, we set limits to problem of only IT lecture at Xxx Univ. in this report. ‘IT lecture’ means a lecture which concerned IT subject. At the following ‘the advantages of lecture in English’ paragraph, I am going to deal with several positive effects of lecture in English. At ‘the circumstance of other universities’ paragraph, we will refer to the situation of other distinguished universities. Finally, at ‘the circumstance of Xxx Univ. and problems’ paragraph, we will point out difficulties of Xxx Univ. and discuss to resolve the problems.

참고 자료

Kim. NJ., Yang. YY., Lee. SL., Kang. HJ., Ko. JA., Lee. WJ., and Park. SR. (2006). 2006 Korean national universities evaluation: internationalization department, Retrieved from December 20, 2006 from JoongAng Ilbo Web site: http://article.joins.com/article/article.asp?total_id= 2458677

Kim. NJ., Yang. YY., Lee. SL., Kang. HJ., Ko. JA., Lee. WJ., and Park. SR. (2006). Korea Univ. took the first ranking in 2006 Korean national universities evaluation, Retrieved from December 20, 2006 from from Korea Univ web site: http://www.korea.ac.kr/webzine/KF4S01T01F00-view.jsp?idx=212829

Kim. SK., (2006). Seoul Univ. College of engineering’s lecture in English controversy, Retrieved from December 20, 2006 from Naver news web site: http://news.naver.com/news/read.php?mode=LSD&office_id=005&article_id=0000260320§ion_id=102&menu_id=102

Kim. NJ., Yang. YY., Lee. SL., Kang. HJ., Ko. JA., Lee. WJ., and Park. SR. (2006). The proportion of lecture in English at Ajou Univ., Retrieved from December 20, Retrieved from December 20, 2006 from JoongAng Ilbo Web site: http://news.joins.com/edit/univ_2006/2/5.htm
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