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[인문]Business analysis; SWOT and PEST

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Various models of business analysis --the usefulness of two such models, SWOT and Pest, with reference to extended examples of their application to particular organisations.

비지니스 모델 SWOT , PEST 개념과 장단점 그리고 어떻게 특정 유명 마켓인 WAITROSE에 적용되는지 분석한 레포트 입니다.




To achieve its corporate goals, a company needs a strategy or a plan of action. To produce the plan, it needs to gather information about the business and its market. Such information looks at both internal and external issues of the business. Internal issues assess the strengths and weaknesses of the firm, and external issues assess the opportunities and threats present in the environment within which the firm operates. Analyzing these strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is called SWOT analysis. It is a fundamental, straightforward model that provides direction, problem solving and decision making for the marketing plans used by managers to plan strategy. The following will illustrate how it is done and assesses its usefulness as a technique. It will be also discussed how particular company, Waitrose, applies this approach for their marketing strategy and what factors to consider in order to make an informed decision.

Concerning market needs and competitors’ characteristics, a manager must begin to think in terms of where the firm can do well and where it may have deficiencies. Strengths and weakness are likely to focus on the present and past and on internally controlled factors in key relationships between the firm and its customers. This analysis must be customer focused to gain maximum benefit; strength is really meaningful only when it is useful in satisfying the needs of a customer. A customer-focused SWOT may uncover a firm’s potential weaknesses. Although some weaknesses may be harmless, those that relate to specific customer needs should be minimized if at all possible (Marketing Strategy, 1998). Weaknesses need to be considered from an internal and external viewpoint. It is vital that listing of a firm’s weaknesses is truthful, so that they may be overcome as quickly as possible. The role of the internal issue of SWOT is to determine

참고 자료

Marketing strategy, 1998
Waitrose web


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[인문]Business analysis; SWOT and PEST
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