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[유아교육]demand feeding, scheduled feeding 에 대한 자신의 견해(모유수유방법 및 사회적어려움)

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6페이지/ 한컴오피스
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도서관에서 모유수유에 대한 책을 약 7권 정도 찾아보고,
인터넷에서는 , 현장에서 모유수유를 할때 어려운점이나,
참고할 점을 중점으로 해서 정보를 수집하였습니다.

책 내용과 제 생각을 바탕으로 하여 글을 작성하였습니다.
나중에 아이를 키울 때, 계획적인 수유를 할것인지 자율수유를 할것인지를,,
한다면 어떤방법으로 할것인지에 대해서 작성하였습니다.


1. demand feeding, scheduled feeding의 개념
1) demand feeding
2) scheduled feeding
3) demand feeding vs scheduled feeding

2. 모유영양, 인공영양, 혼합영양의 개념

3. 자신의 아이 수유 계획
1) 수유방법
2) 수유시간 및 간격
3) 착유
4) 조제유와 일반우유
5) 이유

4. 수유 계획 시 주의할 점

5. 모유 수유의 사회적 어려움 및
앞으로의 방향

6. 참고 문헌


1. demand feeding, scheduled feeding 이란?

1) demand feeding
일정한 시간에 젖먹이지 않고, 아기가 울 때 먹이기

2) scheduled feeding
일정한 시간에 정해놓고 젖을 주기

3)demand feeding vs. scheduled feeding 에 대한 사례.

Isabella will be five weeks old this coming Tuesday. Until now, I`ve been feeding her on demand, namely, whenever she wants. However, I`ve been observing in the last several days that sometimes she cries for my breast . . . for comfort. How do I know that? Well, when I put her on my breast, she doesn`t eat more than a few minutes. My breast has pacified and comforted her, and she is off to sleep. I`m feeding her or she`s on my breast sometimes as soon as every fifty to fifty five minutes . . . yes, even now.

So, do I continue to demand feed her, even though she seems to be snacking or grazing? Here`s the rest of the story. In the middle of the night, at least in the past four or so days, she sleeps two to three hours at a stretch, without eating. During the day, though, I`ve generally be feeding not too long after she`s super fussy. Yes, I try all kinds of diversions . . . the take-along swing, the bouncer, the Baby Bjorn. She fusses only so long before Mommy and Daddy cave in to her cries. Yes, Daddy has a super soft spot for cries, too.
There`s another bit, when she is on my breast, I`ve left her on there for as long as half an hour or forty-five minutes! Talk about serious work my breasts and nipples are undergoing. I apologize to any men family or friends that are reading this . . .

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[유아교육]demand feeding, scheduled feeding 에 대한 자신의 견해(모유수유방법 및 사회적어려움)
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