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[인문어학]white porcelain(백자)

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최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 워드
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백자에 대한 간략한 소개와 예술적 가치를 정리한 짧은 영어 리포트


<서론>The reason why I love white porcelain

I. Someone who loved white porcelain and the reason

II. Thinking in white porcelain

III. Popularity in white porcelain

IV. Beauty of form

V. Change of Chosun expressed in white porcelain

Vi. Products What I like

<결론> Confidence about ours


The reason why I love white porcelain
Every Korean porcelain is definitely superior to the other countries’. But I’ll tell you about Chosun white porcelain. Generally speaking, Koryo celadon porcelain is aristocratic and sophisticated. So, although it’s very beautiful, it makes me unhappy, because it shows separated lives of pleasure-seeking aristocrats. Another porcelain, puncho’ng ware, is praised by Korean and individual beauty. However, I don’t like its crudity. There is both dignity and plainness in white porcelain. So, I like it.

Someone who loved white porcelain and the reason
We can see temperance, elegance and liberality of Chosun illustrious officials through white porcelain. There was white porcelain in Koryo era, too. But heyday of white porcelain was Chosun, because illustrious officials thought frugality, integrity and plainness important. And white color of white porcelain suited their taste. They needed new wares to express their genuineness. I agree with them. Clearness of white porcelain doesn’t make me tired. I also like simple better than splendid pattern. Illustrious officials tried to establish ideal country of Confucianism. It was a natural result choosing wares which could support their philosophy. When seeing white porcelain, I can feel their purity for learning and politics.

참고 자료

방병선, 순백으로 빚어낸 조선의 마음, 백자(서울: 돌베게, 2002.)
김영원, 조선백자(서울: 대원사,1991)

이 자료와 함께 구매한 자료

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[인문어학]white porcelain(백자)
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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