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[경영경제]Korea-US FTA: Advantages and Disadvantages

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,200원 할인쿠폰받기


영어로 작성한 상경대 학사학위 논문입니다. 각주와 reference citing 포함하고 있습니다. 참고서적은 국문자료와 외국뉴스 등이고, 각종 데이타와 도표(2006최신)도 이용했습니다. 성실하게 작성했기 때문에 도움이 많이 될 것입니다.


I. Introduction
1. Overview of FTA
2. Background of Korea-US FTA
II. Main Issues
1. Contents of Korea-US FTA
2. Positive Impact of Korea-US FTA
1) GDP Growth and Job Creation
2) Foreign Investment Drive
3) Agriculture and Service Sector
4) Regional Diplomatic Advantages
3. Negative Impact of Korea-US FTA
1) Compensation System for Victimized Groups
2) Investor-State Claim
3) Downside of US-Mexico Case
III. Conclusion: Is the System Ready?


America is the world’s largest country of production and, at the same time, consumption as well as being Korea’s one of the biggest export markets. Its huge consumption has also been part of the driving force for Korea to emerge as the world’s 10th largest economy. The U.S., Korea’s conventional export market is becoming eroded by the competing nations. Not only Canada and Mexico, but also ASEAN and Japan count for considerable market share, and most threatening fact is that China already holds 14.6% of U.S. export market. Although Korea is making up the deficit in U.S. trade with exports to China, there are perspectives that this current trade surplus would flip up during the next decade with an existing technological gap disappearing.

참고 자료

Chae, Wook, Circumstances and Policies (July, 2006)-For Korea-US FTA: Foundations and Perspectives (Seoul: Sejong Ins., 2006)

Choi, Tae Wook, Circumstances and Policies (July, 2006)-Korea-US FTA: Conditions for Approval (Seoul: Sejong Ins., 2006)

Jeong, Tae In, Circumstances and Policies (July, 2006)-Korea-US FTA: Pandora’s Box (Seoul: Sejong Ins., 2006)

Kim, Hyuk Hwang, Kim, Jeong Gon, Park, Hye Ri, Park Mi Hee, Joint authorship, Getting Korea-US FTA Right 2006 (Seoul: KIEP, 2006)

Business Week: www.businessweek.com
Korea International Trade Association: www.kita.net
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: www.fta.go.kr
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: www.oecd.org
Pressian Economy: www.pressian.com


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[경영경제]Korea-US FTA: Advantages and Disadvantages
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