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Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영작문 리서치




From 1933 to 1945, the United States faced some of the darkest years in its history. First, the economy collapsed. Millions of people were forced out of work and into poverty. This is known as the Great Depression. Then World War II (1939-1945) threatened the freedom of America`s allies - and possibly America`s freedom, too (The Modern American Presidency, 34).
According to Coker, during those troubled times, America had just one president - Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR, as he was called, had many qualities to help him run the government. He was willing to try new ideas to solve America`s problem. Perhaps most importantly, he had courage and a good attitude (72). He was able to convince Americans that they could survive the Great Depression and win World War II. Roosevelt had endured serious troubles in his life (Coker 84). At age thirty-nine, he contracted a disease called polio. As Roosevelt struggled to walk, his wife and his mother were battling over his future. Sara was sure she knew what was best for Franklin. She believed that his career was finished, that he should retire to the comfortable privacy of Hyde Park. But Eleanor rebelled.

참고 자료

Gould, Lewis L. The Modern American Presidency. New Deal. Encyclopedia Americana. New York: Routeledge, 2003.
Lacey, Greg. Revise Modern World History: For OCR Specification 1937. New York: Oxford University, 1999.
Wolf, Thomas Phillip. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Congress: The New Deal and Its Aftermath. New Jersey: Springer, 2000.
Cohen, Robert. Dear Mrs. Roosevelt: Letters from Children of the Great Depression. Florida: Amacom Books, 2002.
Pederson, William. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln: Competing Perspectives on Two Great Presidencies. California: Sage, 2002.
Coker, Jeffrey W. Franklin D. Roosevelt a biography. British: British library, 2005.


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