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디지털 시스템 설계 10장, 11장 연습문제(일부)

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디지털 시스템 설계 10장 연습문제 입니다.
VHDL 코드와 웨이브폼 포함


P10.1 Derive the control unit for the counting problem from Example 10.1, Except use the general datapath from section 9.4.

10.8 derive the control unit for (b) Problem P9.24 Derive and simulate the control words using the datapath shown in Figure 9.32 for inputting three 8-bit unsigned numbers, and then output the largest number, followed by the second largest.

P10.19 Write VHDL code for the control units for Problem P10.8. Simulate and test the circuit.(b)

P10.10 Derive the control unit for Problem (b) P9.30 design a dedicated datapath for inputting two 8-bit unsigned numbers, and then output the largest number. The datapath chould have only one input port and one output port. Label clearly all of the control and status signals.

P10.20 Write VHDL code for the control units for Problem P10.10. Simulate and test the circuit. (b)

P10.13 Modify the keyboard controller circuit from section 10.3.2 so that it will test for the correct parity bit.

P10.16 Construct and implement a circuit using the VGA controller from section 10.3.3 to draw a white square in the middle of the screen.

P10.18 Using the keyboard controller From section 10.3.2 and the VGA controller from Section 10.3.3, construct and implement a circuit that reads in a letter from the keyboard and displays it on the screen.

P11.13 Write the VHDL code for Problems P11.1 using the FSMD model.
P11.1 Manually construct a dedicated microprocessor to enter two 8-bit numbers, and output the larger of the two numbers. The two numbers are entered through two separate input ports


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