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[인문]생활영어 Essay - Happiness of being free

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최종 저작일
1페이지/ MS 워드
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매주 essay숙제를 내 주시던 원어민 교수님의 수업 시간에 쓴 글입니다.
A+ 받은 것이니 믿고 봐주세요 :D




A famous Korean national hero named Shin Chae-ho said “no freedom is mental death.” Freedom is one of the most important values that all human beings can enjoy. However, since the beginning of the history, there have been a variety numbers of people who are treated as a kind of machines. Even recently it happens, too. It is really happy that I have never experienced the lack of freedom, so I am about to talk about ‘freedom’, by mentioning about segregation and the loss of freedom.
Firstly, an example of Frederick Douglass who is one of the famous abolitionists can surely support lacking of freedom. Douglass was slavery who spent severe times in his early ages. He had to work for his master from childhood and was never allowed to learn the alphabet. However, by his effort to get freedom and improve the status, he finally became a mostly respected person. That is a suitable example of a black person who overcame discrimination and became free.
The loss of freedom due to the racial discrimination was terrible. Even black people were sold to other continents to cultivate and work for plantaion. They were never treated as a “person”. For example, a song named ‘strange fruit’ came from a crazy discriminative story. Some white men struke a black slave and he finally dead. They even hung up the corpse of the slave on the tree, so other black people saw that and made a rhythm sadly. The other black people cannot be against the white men, the masters, because they were lacking of freedom.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[인문]생활영어 Essay - Happiness of being free
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