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피부과 영역에서 Systemic Glucocorticoids의 효용

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피부과 영역에서 Systemic Glucocorticoids의 효용


1. Cortisol(hydrocortisone)
2. Mechanism of action
synthetic analogues


1. Cortisol(hydrocortisone)
- Synthesized from cholesterol by the adrenal cortex.
- Active therapeutic molecule < 5% : unbound
- Inactive : bound to CBG (transcortin) (95%)
bound to albumin (5%)
- daily secretion : 10-20mg, peak at 8 A.M
- plasma half-life : 90 min
- metabolized by liver, excreted by kidney and liver
2. Mechanism of action
- passive diffusion through the cell membrane
-> bind to soluble receptor protein in cytoplasm
-> hormone-receptor complex move to the nucleus
-> regulate the transcription of target genes
- target genes : AP-1, NF-kB
- decreased the synthesis of proinflammatory molecules : cytokines, interleukins, adhesion molecules, proteases.
- increased annexin 1, 2 reduce PLA2
→ reduced release of arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids
→ PG, leukotriens 감소
- affect the replication and movement of cells
: monocytopenia,
lymphocytopenia due to the redistribution of cells as they migrate from the circulation to other lymphoid tissues
steroid induces apoptosis
leukocytosis – demargination of cells from the bone marrow
diminished rate of removal from the circulation
inhibiton of neutrophil apoptosis
- affect cell activation, proliferation, differentiation
: modulate the levels of mediators of inflammation & immune reactions
: inhibition of IL-1, 2, 6 & TNF synthesis

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