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Service marketing(서비스 마케팅)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


service marketing에서 새로운 화두로 떠오르고 있는 고객참여(customer participation)에 대한

자료를 다루고 있습니다.


Executive of Summary

1. Introduction

2.Established concepts of customer participation and its impotance
2.1 Definitions of customer participation
2.2 Importance of customer participation in service sector
2.3 Modelling customer satisfaction process
2.4 Influences of customer participation on expectation and quality perception

3. Factors promoting customers to participate
3.1 Situational factors
3.2 Service characteristics
3.3 Characterisitcs of customers

4. Outcomes of customer participation
4.1 Customer participation as negative influences
4.2 Customer participation as positive influences

5. Appropriate service type and situation for customer participation
5.1 Classification of services
5.2 Relevant service type and situation
5.3 Problem No.3 and Solution

6. Customer participation in relationship co-production

7. Conclusions

List of references


1.0. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to identify the concept of customer participation in service sector and to understand its importance and impacts on the area. To better understand the concept, the first part of this document will cover the definitions of customer participation with the reasons why customer’s participative role in service producing process is important in this sector. Secondly, factors which encourage customers to participate in service production process and outcomes of customer participation will be explained. And the next part will identify the most relevant and appropriate service types and situations in which the concept of customer participation is applied to. Also, this document will cover the co-production of relationship between customers and service organisations and its impacts on consumer behaviour. Finally, this document will be concluded with the presenting of findings about the concept and recommendations for further research.

참고 자료

Bateson, J. 2002, ‘Consumer performance and quality in services’, Managing service
quality, Vol.12, no.4, pp. 206-9.
Bitner, M.J., Faranda, W.T., Hubbert, A.R. & Zeithmal, V.A. 1997, ‘Customer
contributions and roles in service delivery’, International Journal of
Management, Vol.8, no.3, pp.193-205.
Cermark, D.S.P., File, K.M, Prince, R.A.1994, ‘Customer participation in service
Specification and delivery’, Journal of applied business research, Vol.10,
no.2, pp. 90-8.
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