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하루분량최소 15줄이상


First diary
What a terrible week!
My lovely family and mother
I used to be "Missing children."
An election


First diary 2007. 3. 5 Monday

Today is the first day of my 5th semester. Actually, it makes me annoyed a bit because I couldn`t feel any interesting feelings in the campus. I guess the reason why I feel bored in the campus is I don`t have many friends in the campus. My personality has been changed to be shy in a new and strange situation. In addition, I wasn`t active and outgoing person in the class. Few of my friends are stopped university at the moment, so I decided to study hard instead of being lonely and bored.
The first class of "Understanding of English sentence structure (?)" was interesting and also scary(It scared me.). I think professor Hong (^_^) is very enthusiastic and kind person. So I`m happy to take this class. I really want to be close to every professors, but it`s very difficult and hard to be. I hope the end of this semester I can be familiar to many people from classes I take.
However, the professor gave us a very important and difficult homework which is "English diary". It is very difficult to write diary everyday(even in English..) but it will help me to improve my English skill, so I will do my best to write my diary! But now it is going to be very hard... Although I feel nervous now about it.
I hope my life in this semester will be better than before. (But it is sure that it will be much harder than before to me.)

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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