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Blue/White selection , Preparation of Plasmid DNA

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Blue/White selection과 Preparation of Plasmid DNA에 대한 전반적인 내용을 담은 레포트


1.Blue/White selection
2.Preparation of Plasmid DNA


* Spread the following on a LB (+appropriate antibiotic) plate (If you are going to plate 100ul of transformed cells): 100ul of 100mM IPTG + 40ul of X-gal (20mg/ml).
* Perform transformation of ligation into the bacteria (note: make sure you are using the right host bacterial strain for the blue white selection, also see the background section below) and then spread them on the X-gal containing plates.
* After overnight incubation, store the plate in 4 0 C for several hours. This allows the blue color to develop fully. Colonies that contain active b -galactosidase are pale blue in center and dense blue at their periphery. White colonies occassionally show a faint blue spot in the center, but these are colorless at the periphery.
Stock solutions:
* X-gal-X-gal is very expensive, and hence avoid wastage. X-gal stock solution can be prepared by dissolving 100mg of X-gal in 5ml of dimethyl formamide. X-gal is light sensitive and hence store in a glass or polypropylene containers wrapped with aluminium foil. Stock sloution need to be store in -20 0 C

참고 자료

일반생물학 실험
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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탑툰 이벤트
Blue/White selection , Preparation of Plasmid DNA
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