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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind review

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
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이터널 선샤인 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind review
thoughts after watching the movie
이터널 선샤인을 보고 난 소감, 생각
기억에 대한 논리
고급영어 영상예술 시간에 제출한 레포트
A0 받음




Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is suffused with Kaufman`s unique charm, humor, and his humane affection for the lonely and vulnerable. This movie shows us that people are as just frail as Clementine who erases her unbearable memory with Joel in the movie. As a matter of fact, she erases her memory, a crucial part of herself, somewhat impulsively. However, unlike Clementine, Joel hesitates to take painful yet beautiful memories away from him when he is about to get a ‘surgery’ at the Lacuna Inc. What makes him reluctant to delete intolerable truth that his ex-girlfriend gave? It’s because what let him be who he is now is what he has experienced and remembers. Without any memory of childhood, family, friends or lover, no one can develop one’s identity. From the heart- aching experience to happiest incidents, all the accumulated history gives us the life-long lessons and become the stepping stone for the next. It might be too burdensome to carry with you right after breaking up with your lover. As time goes by, however, every single memory, even on some fight, would be unveiled as pure, sincere love. If we fail the first love, we would success the second, or third or later. Escaping from you by erasing memory is not a panacea for the eventful life. We should squarely face to what we have done, how we have lived because it is who we are, no exception for memories with ex-lovers.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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