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[영어독후감]scent of woman 에세이 자료

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


“Scent of a Woman” is a 1992 film which story tells friendship between a blind man named Frank and a preparatory school student named Charlie........




“Scent of a Woman” is a 1992 film which story tells friendship between a blind man named Frank and a preparatory school student named Charlie. It stars Al Pacino and Chris O`Donnell. This movie based on the novel by Bo Goldman. It was awarded an Academy Award for Best Actor (Al Pacino), and a director whose name is Martin Brest won the prizes a Best Director. It was the best masterpiece during the 1990s.
A young and innocent student, Charlie Simms, who is a preparatory student, is come from a poor family. To earn the money for a home for Christmas, he gets a job looking after Frank Slade, a blind retired army officer, during Thanksgiving Day. However, Charlie goes through difficulty in his school. His fellow played a prank on the principal, and only Charlie and George, who is in a same school, know who committed a prank. The principal presses hard upon Charlie and threatens that he will be expelled if he won’t tell who did a prank.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영어독후감]scent of woman 에세이 자료
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