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우즈베키스탄의 건강, 간호

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29페이지/ MS 워드
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우즈베키스탄의 전반적인 건강상태, 간호에 관한 "영문" 레포트 입니다.
최신 수치 와 자료를 실었습니다.


Introduction of the Uzbekistan
Health care system in Uzbekistan
health care expenditure
public/private health care system
health care facility
Human resources
Nursing education
Current issues
Aims & objectives


The HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uzbekistan is still in a nascent stage, but the country has all the conditions present for a rapid spread of infection. There has been a sharp increase in the number of new cases since 2000 as a result of an outbreak among injecting drug users. Despite a relatively low reported national prevalence rate, the number of HIV cases in Uzbekistan is growing exponentially. According to the Republican AIDS Centre, 5612 people were registered as living with HIV/AIDS as of 31 December 2004. A total of 2016 new people living with HIV/AIDS were registered in 2004 alone.

A remaining problem on the system level is that decision-making still appears to be highly centralized for the planning of new facilities, and some of the decisions that take place locally (such as on staffing and budget allocation) are still based on central norms derived from the Soviet system, which leads to discrepancies in health resource allocation relative to need. This, in addition to varying expertise, might be a factor explaining the substantial variation in health status across regions. The administered rather than managed health care system allows very limited community involvement, but the local neighborhood council system operating for social services is a promising system to be exploited in planning and providing health care services.

참고 자료

1. Uzbekistan health care system in transition (2001), Farkhad A. llkhamov and Elke Jakubowski
2. Highlights on health in Uzbekistan (2005), world health organization
3. The Structure of the Educational System of UZBEKISTAN, NAFSA Region XII Conference, Oct. 2005
4. Uzbekistan health examination 2002
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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