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[영작] 미국문화와 실용영어 5-12주차 과제 영작문

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최종 저작일
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미국문화와 실용영어 5-12주차 과제입니다.
과제점수는 매주 95-99점정도 맞았으며 최종성적은 a+받았습니다.
Impression or Image /Sharing happiness/Different Cultural Situations /Teaching and its Role/Go on Chaperoned/Meeting /Closer Stand or Need Distance/Customs and Cultures/Be Careful about Touching Children/shopping/Health Care/Weddings and funerals/Cultural Differences/Shock, Reflection, and Adaptation/Rethinking Adoption/ .etc


-5주 과제
2. Impression or Image
3. Sharing happiness
4. Different Cultural Situations

-6주 과제
1. Teaching and its Role
3. Go on Chaperoned

-7주 과제
1. Meeting
2. Closer Stand or Need Distance

-8주 과제
1. Customs and Cultures
2. Be Careful about Touching Children

-9주 과제
2. Health Care

-10주 과제
1. Weddings and funerals
2. Cultural Differences

-11주 과제
1. Shock, Reflection, and Adaptation


-5주 과제

2. Impression or Image

(1) I have a few friends. It is hard for me to make friends. As friends mean much to me, I do not regard anyone as a friend. It does not means that people do so. I just do not call anyone a FRIEND. There says that we become friends with others because of Merit in one of my favorite comic books. We can be friends with others because of his or her appearance, intelligence, riches……. In my case, Merit is a feeling of comfort. I seldom show my feelings to others. I only share my feelings with my family and my friends. I think a feeling of comfort comes from trust. So a friend means a person who I can trust in. Most of my friends have their own nickname that I gave. I call him or her by it and so do they. We(my friends and I) all know it is a way to show our love and friendship.

<중 략>

We greet a person with a handshake. Japanese shake hands weakly, on the other hand North Americans shake hands strongly. In Korea, men often shake hands, but women rarely shake hands. When men and women hold hands for a long time, it often means sexual intention in Korea, but it does not in North America. I think handshake is just a manner for greeting. When we bow, we have several different ways as per the other party. But handshaking treat all equally. I think it is a way of greeting to transcend even class and race.
Latin Americans and Middle Easterners stand closer when they talk than do North Americans or Asians. They do so to express their friendship but it can make others from different cultural areas feel discomfort not only because of unpleasant smell but also the distance itself. I feel inconvenience when other people stand closer over the limit that I permit.

참고 자료



판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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[영작] 미국문화와 실용영어 5-12주차 과제 영작문
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