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Langston Hughes and Racial Discrimination

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미국의 흑인 시인 Langston Hughes의 시 를 통해서 본
인종 차별에 대해서 논한 리포트(A+학점)


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Main Discourse
Ⅲ. Conclusion



Ⅰ. Introduction
What might be a good poem? I have been thinking a good poem is what adopts a high leveled metaphor and symbolism and various linguistic skills in it. I have stuck to that thought because the poem would shine brightly and be considered to be a beautiful one with those skills. However, such a preconception of mine changed from the moment when I met with the poems of Hughes. Those kind of highly skilled poems that I previously mention could be the good ones, but I was so sure that there wouldn`t be better poems than Hughes` poems that were made of the poet`s life itself. The real meaning of art must be what an artist describes his own experiences from the life on paper.
First of all, he was an american and black. All the residents in America are descendants of immigrants except American Indians. The history of America is originated from that of immigration from England. How have it been the positions of African-American in a land known as " White people are always right"? It must have been hardly endurable.
I can be sure that the main idea of Hughes` poems are based on the thought as to how different African-American is from white people in the country. As one of black people, Hughes was also raised in black community and got to approach the inside of it and took a close look at it. So he could express the reality of segregations that black people had to suffer in his own languages. From now, I am going to analysis his poem based on my own way, and continued to talk about some facts related to Hughes and racial discrimination.

참고 자료

-『Langston Hughes』(1994), Milton Malsor, Park Tae-soon, <實薦文學史>
- http://www.eportfolio.lagcc.cuny.edu/ePortfolios/Basic/Yoon_KyungREV/englishB.htm
- http://blog.naver.com/orange_n?Redirect=Log&logNo=60022336928
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Langston Hughes and Racial Discrimination
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