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International Business, gradualism, Explain and critically evaluate the factors contributing to China’s economic success.’

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16페이지/ MS 워드
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Gradualism 채택에 의한 중국의 경제발전에 관련된 대학원 영문 과제물입니다..영국MBA과정에서 좋은점수 받았으니 도움되시길 바랍니다.

International Business
‘Recent evidence suggests that the adoption of a process of gradualism explains the economic development of the Chinese economy in recent year. Explain and critically evaluate the factors contributing to China’s economic success.’


1.0 Abstract

2.0 Introduction

3.0 Analysis of factors that led China to current position
3.1 Gradualism
3.2 Driving forces and environment
3.3 Reform and opening up
3.4 Continuing to improve the level of opening up

4.0 Will it go on this way forever?
4.1 Obstacles and Potentials

5.0 China and the World Economy

6.0 Concluding Remarks

7.0 References


1.0 Abstract

Many arguments and analyses have been made so far about China’s economy and its future. Based on various sources and reports, this assignment will analyze how China could achieve such an unprecedented rapid economic development last few decades formerly planned economies of the use of gradualism in introducing economic reforms and its influence and relationship with other countries in current highly inter-linked world economy.

2.0 Introduction

For the few decades, average GDP growth rate of China has been above 9.5 percent per year which is the fastest growth rate ever recorded in the world history. Even though some critics argue that the statistical figure is not reliable enough and exaggerated to some extent, nobody can deny that China’s economic development is incredible both in quantity and quality. Previously, Napoleon gave name a “sleeping giant” to China and said if China woke up, it would quake the world. After long sleeping period of imperialist reign, political upheaval, Japanese incursion and civil war, China, especially right after Mao’s death in 1976, has awoken from its long sleep at last and seem to be ready to shake the world.

참고 자료

Willem van der Geest(2003) “Economic Transition in China – a Model for Gradualism?” 06-11-03, EIAS, Brussels

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China & World Economy Number 5.

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Fan, G. (2002). How to View the Problems in China’s Economy? —In Response to the Notion of “Coming Collapse of China”. China & World Economy Number 5.

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Groombridge, M. A. (April 24, 2000). China’s Long March to a Market Economy -
The Case for Permanent Normal Trade Relations with the People’s Republic of China.

Koo, J. & Fu, D. (May/June 2002). Beyond the Border China’s Growing Economic Influence in East Asia after WTO. Southwest Economy Issue 3. Retrieved from the world wide web: http://www.dallasfed.org/index.html

Lardy, N. (1998). China’s Unfinished Economic Revolution.
Brookings Institution Press. Washington, D.C.

Perkins, A.& Shaw, S. M. (2002). What the WTO really means for China. The McKinsey Quarterly. 2002 number 2.

Segal, Gerald. (1999). “Does China Matter?”. Foreign Affairs. Vol. 78, No.5, pp. 24–36.

ISBN: 0-8330-2963-0 MR-1300-RC.

World Bank (1992) China 2020. World Bank, Washington, D.C.

YONG D. & GRAY S. (2001) Introduction: growing pains—China debates its international future. Journal of Contemporary China.

Zuliu, H & Khan, M. S. (June, 1997). Why Is China Growing So Fast?. International Monetary Fund Retrieved from the world wide web:

Yoo Jin Suk (2001, Feb 21). Rapid economic development of China : CEO information No.284 Samsung Economy Research Institute.

Han Hong Suk (1997). China, economic revolution and prospective : Yeon Sae University `東西硏究` 9th Addition No.1

Han Kwang Soo (2001, Dec 16). Potential of China : Samsung Economic Institution Vol.3

Dae Jeon (2001, Dec.). China Impact : Chong Lim Ltd.
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International Business, gradualism, Explain and critically evaluate the factors contributing to China’s economic success.’
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