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Decision Science - Creative Problem Solving

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
56페이지/ MS워드
가격 3,700원 할인쿠폰받기


Decision Science

영국 대학교 학사 영문 논문으로 분량은 약 14000자 정도이며 Decision Science의 각종이론을 종합하여 비교분석한 좋은점수를 받은 논문입니다. 해당분야 공부하시는분들 많은도움이 되시길 바랍니다.


The Purpose of the Study
The Background of the Study
The Rationale of the Study
The Alternatives Attainable And Present In The Decision Situation
Decision Aiding
Decision Aiding Techniques and Computer Algorithms
Decision Science Approaches Based on Management
A Comparison of Linear Programming Software on Microcomputers
The Process of Decision Making in Decision Science
The Interaction Problem And Interactive Computer Program
Quality Criteria For Decision-Aiding Technologies
Decision-Analytic Quality
Attitudinal Effects
General and Indirect Effects
User/ System Interaction
Direct And Indirect Causes And Effects
Designing Evaluation Research
Knowledge From Evaluation Studies
Types of Evaluation
Are DAS Actually Used?
Are DAS Useful?
Analysis and Discussion of Decision Science
Process Components And Problem Taxonomy
Variations in Problem Structuring
Variations in Option Evaluation
Variations in (Social) Context
Levels And Modes Of Decision Making
Conclusions: Perspectives For Future Research


Decision Science
Planning may be explicit or implicit and unconscious and includes determining the level at which a decision should be made, the goals to be attained in the situation, and the strategy for reaching those goals. (Botten, 1999) All of these components of planning are interrelated and determine in part what decision rules and restructuring will be used in the processing of the information about the decision alternatives. The level at which a decision problem is addressed may be determined by such factors as experience with the situation, judged importance, difficulty of situation, and resources available. However, the classification of a decision problem should not be regarded as invariably fixed. Instead, it may be continuously changing because decisions are made in a changing world and because the process of solving a decision problem involves continuous restructuring and reappraisal, both before and after the decision has been made. To a great extent, decision making is a process contingent on the particular information just processed but within the general frames provided by the value system and the goals evoked before a particular problem was presented. (Abelson, 1985) Search for information follows planning. As the arrow going back to planning indicates, the way in which search is performed also depends on how the information is displayed. When, for example, the information is organized either by attribute or alternative, subjects sometimes change their processing accordingly and sometimes they do not.

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Decision Science - Creative Problem Solving
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